Bylaws Update

The Board of Trustees of God’s Bible School and College has been hard at work over the past year to review and update our Ministry Bylaws, a process that is critical to the ongoing vitality of our institution.

We have spent many hours endeavoring to make this a helpful and accurate update and would now like to request your involvement regarding the proposed document.

The Board has given preliminary approval, but the Bylaws stipulate that time must be allotted for public input prior to the Board’s final vote, which will be held at its Spring meeting on May 18, 2020.

You are invited to access the tentatively-approved Bylaws.

A public-comment space will be provided for you to share your questions and/or support of the 2020 Bylaws update.

The vast majority of the changes in the Bylaws are simply clerical in nature, but there are a few key changes:

  1. The Alumni Council will be replaced with an Alumni Relations Committee on the Board that will include several Alumni representatives.  This move is intended to strengthen the connection of the school with its most valuable asset – the Alumni – and create new ways to encourage Alumni involvement with their alma mater.  (The current Alumni Council has voiced their support of this option and has voted unanimously to approve it!)
  2. While the Alumni restructuring will remove the position of Alumni President and subsequently that seat on the Board of Trustees, the updated version of the Bylaws stipulates that a minimum of seven Trustees must be Alumni of bte365官网地址, therefore maintaining a strong bte365官网地址 Alumni perspective in the Board room.
  3. The denominational requirement remains in place, which prevents having a majority of any single denomination of Board members.  bte365官网地址 has always been, and should remain, interdenominational.  A provision has been added to permit adequate time to replace a Board member who may resign or change their church membership that would cause the Board to be out of compliance with this stipulation.

Please read through the Bylaws and let us know what you think!  Your perspective is important to us and we look forward to hearing from you.

Robbie England, Board Chair
God’s Bible School and College

Download Bylaws

Download the tentatively-approved Bylaws.


Let us know what you think of the proposed bylaw changes by submitting your comments in our feedback form.
